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Why the den system?

As our school has grown, our staff has discovered an increasing need to create peer-to-peer bonds across grade levels, promote student inclusivity, communicate high behavioral and academic expectations, and foster student accountability.


We plan to help the school achieve this through the design and development of a den system that is implemented through our school’s AVID program.

2018: Our Origin

In the fall of 2018, a class of 15 freshmen piloted the program. On sorting day, balloon explosions of colored powder sorted each student into one of four teams. 


Five points per day were awarded to students who demonstrated a commitment to the school's values of manners, respect, discipline, teamwork, and academic achievement. Students met weekly to create house cheers, form stronger bonds, and compete for extra points through physical, mental, and social challenges.


The program was refined through focus group interviews as well as surveys throughout the semester. We extended the experience beyond the walls of our one classroom by leading professional development for the school's faculty and staff with the goal of implementing the program school-wide over the course of the next four years.


Looking ahead

In the spring of 2019, the entire freshman class will be inducted into one of six dens. Focus groups and surveys will help us continue to refine the program as we venture into the upcoming school year.


Starting in 2019, each student who enrolls at PCSECHS will belong to one of six dens. These unique communities will increase positive behaviors and accountability, provide opportunities for students to develop interpersonal skills that are immensely important in the world beyond high school, and create bonds between students and staff that will endure far beyond students' tenure at our school.



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